Single Module or Multi-Module


Single module or Multi-module

Choosing the correct Laser source has a large impact on cutting performance, 
single module or multi-module, so what’s the difference 

The focus spot greatly influences the quality of the cut, the core of the single module laser is relatively thin, the beam quality is better than multi-module. 

If we compare a 1.5 KW single module and 1.5 KW multi-module laser cutting 1 mm thin plate, then the cutting speed achievable with a single module is 20% higher than multi-module, the cut visually is similar, however from 2 mm upwards the speed advantage gradually reduces, commencing material thickness
3 mm upwards  effectiveness of high power multi-module Fiber Laser become obvious.

Therefore, the advantage of selecting a single module is its impact on cutting speed for thin plate, 
the advantage of multi-module is thick plate